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What is BeautyMeal? Lose Weight Until You Need New Pants!

Can the BeautyMeal weight loss pen really make you slim enough to need new pants? Many of you reading this article might be wondering if you can really lose weight with just one pen. Is it really possible?
There are many ways to lose weight, such as exercising, controlling your diet with methods like Intermittent Fasting (IF) and the Ketogenic Diet,fat-dissolving injections , liposuction surgery, and weight loss pens. These pens focus on controlling hunger and reducing snacking or mindless eating. This method is great for people who face various obstacles in losing weight, whether it’s daily routines, lifestyle, temptations, or even the discipline needed to achieve your goals. BeautyMeal could be a good solution. But how does it work to control hunger and can it really help you lose enough weight to need new pants? Let’s find out together.

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What is BeautyMeal? Learn more about it

BeautyMeal helps control hunger and reduces the desire to eat between meals. It adjusts behavior to prevent snacking. The drug works like the GLP-1 hormone in the body. It comes in a pen-like injector with the medicine inside. The tip has a small needle for injecting the medicine into the fat layer under the skin. The needle can be replaced after use.

What’s inside a BeautyMeal pen?

  • A - The pen cap protects the needle and medicine from dirt and germs.
  • B - The needle can be replaced after 1-3 days of use.
  • C - The medicine cartridge shows how much medicine is left. One pen contains 18 mg and can be used about 20 times, depending on the doctor’s assessment.
  • D - The BeautyMeal label ensures the product is genuine.
  • E - The dose indicator shows the amount of medicine per injection in milligrams (mg) with markings at 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, and 3.0 mg. The dose depends on the doctor’s assessment.
  • F - The dose dial lets you set the dose. You’ll hear a ‘click’ for each 0.6 mg.
  • G - The injection button releases the medicine and resets the dose indicator to 0 mg after use.

Does BeautyMeal really help you lose weight? How does it work?

The BeautyMeal weight loss pen works like the GLP-1 hormone (Glucagon-Like Peptide 1), which controls fullness in the body. It helps reduce weight by making you feel full and less hungry.

Liraglutide in BeautyMeal

The drug in the pen is called Liraglutide, approved by the U.S. FDA and Thailand’s FDA for weight control and loss. Liraglutide affects hunger and fullness, signaling the brain that you’re full and reducing stomach contractions after eating.
The GLP-1 hormone in our bodies tells the brain, "I'm full," by slowing down the stomach after eating. This is why we feel full and don't want to eat more after a meal. Liraglutide works the same way.
For people without snacking issues or weight control needs, Liraglutide isn’t necessary as the GLP-1 hormone manages hunger well. But for those who want to lose weight and face challenges, BeautyMeal can be a helpful tool.

Is controlling hunger enough?

Liraglutide in BeautyMeal controls food intake by signaling the brain to reduce hunger. You won't completely lose your appetite because the doctors must assess the right dose based on body conditions, weight, and weight loss goals.
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With the right dose, you’ll feel less hungry and fuller longer, reducing snacking and eating less during meals. This helps lower daily calorie intake without strict dieting or intense exercise, as the body uses stored fat for energy.

How long do you need to use BeautyMeal to see results?

Liraglutide in BeautyMeal focuses on controlling fullness and reducing appetite. Within the first 7-14 days, you’ll notice weight changes as the body uses stored fat for energy. Over months, you will see fat reduce in areas like thighs, arms, belly, and waist.
Seeing results with BeautyMeal requires consistency and discipline. Use it daily, following the doctor’s advice, and spend no more than 5 minutes per day.

How to use BeautyMeal to truly lose weight

Always consult a doctor first

Before using BeautyMeal, a clinic will schedule an appointment with a doctor to decide the right dose for you. They will assess:
  • Your health information like age, weight, height, and current body measurements.
  • Your weight loss goals like how many kilograms you want to lose.
  • Your medical history and any allergies.
  • Your eating habits like how many meals you eat and which one is the heaviest.
  • Other weight control methods you've tried and their results.
The doctor will prescribe the medicine and explain the injection plan, methods, and care while using BeautyMeal. This process is overseen by specialists and clinic staff. You can also ask them any questions any time.

Self-injection at home – Easy and convenient

After receiving the BeautyMeal pen set, start using it according to your injection plan. Typically, you begin with a low dose of 0.3 mg for the first two days and gradually increase it so your body can adjust.
Injection steps and how to store it
For injection timing and location, choose a convenient time each day, with a 4-6 hour window if delayed. If missed by over 6 hours, wait until the next scheduled time.
BeautyMeal can be Injected in areas with more fat, like the belly or thighs, which reduces pain. The injection feels like a mild ant bite. The pen needle is designed to reach the fat layer under the skin effectively.
วิธีการใช้งานของ BeautyMeal
Before opening, store BeautyMeal at 2-8 degrees Celsius, like in a regular refrigerator. After opening, store it in the fridge or at room temperature below 30 degrees Celsius. Use it within 30 days.
Keep BeautyMeal away from light, such as sunlight. Avoid heat, like leaving it in a car or outside. Do not store it in the freezer, as this will ruin the medicine and make it unusable.
After each injection, always remove the needle from the pen before storing it to prevent accidental leaks. You can reuse a needle for 1-3 days before replacing it with a new one.

Other symptoms you might experience with BeautyMeal

Nausea, bloating, fullness
It is normal to experience these symptoms when using the BeautyMeal pen, especially at the beginning. This is because Liraglutide makes the brain signal that we are full and do not need to eat more. This can cause digestive organs, like the stomach, to react with bloating, fullness, and nausea. The severity depends on each person's body. However, these symptoms are natural unless they become severe, like frequent vomiting, severe diarrhea, or other emotional or abnormal symptoms. If these occur, consult the clinic staff or visit a doctor at the hospital.
Bruising at the injection site
Under our skin, there are many small blood vessels. When using the BeautyMeal pen, the needle might hit these vessels, causing small bruises about 1-3 cm in size. This is similar to bumping your arm, leg, or knee against a table corner. These bruises will usually disappear within 7-14 days, depending on your skin and body condition. If you like wearing crop tops and are worried about bruises on your abdomen, you can inject BeautyMeal into your thigh instead.

Compare BeautyMeal with other weight loss methods

Weight Loss Method Approach Time Required Why Choose This Method Considerations
Exercise Regular exercise, both cardio and weight training, to improve metabolism 20-60 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week, consistently Can improve metabolism in the long term, convenient for those who like to exercise Should be done under expert guidance to prevent injuries
Diet control Controlling the amount of energy intake, focusing on protein, reducing carbs/sugar/fat Consistently every day, every meal, requires discipline. Benefits overall body systems because it involves choosing healthy nutrients Should be done under the guidance of a nutritionist to avoid nutrient deficiencies
Intermittent Fasting (IF) Structured fasting with clear timing, reducing meals by one Suitable for those who don't have the habit of snacking and are not easily tempted by food Still need to choose nutritious foods and eat on a strict schedule
Ketogenic diet (Ketogenic Diet) Focuses on eating protein and fat only, making the body use stored fat Suitable for those who like eating fatty foods (should choose healthy fats) May cause severe side effects due to limited nutrient intake
BeautyMeal weight loss pen Liraglutide drug approved by the FDA, controls hunger/ improves eating habits, only under doctor's guidance 5 minutes a day, consistently for 3-4 months, can stop when satisfied with the results Can eat regular meals, safe, high standard, with expert medical supervision Medication use requires prescription and dosage determined by a doctor
Fasting Unstructured fasting, eating as desired, only drinking water, irregular meals As desired Fasting and taking unregulated weight loss pills are not medically recommended methods as they can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening.
Weight loss pills Buying unregulated weight loss pills and taking them without consulting a doctor Taking as per package or seller's recommendation
Aside from methods like starving yourself or taking diet pills without medical guidance, every weight loss method has its pros and cons. Different methods can be chosen based on personal preference, convenience, and weight loss goals without sticking to just one method.
Some people may choose to exercise and diet, some might prefer only a keto diet, and others might use the BeautyMeal pen along with intermittent fasting (IF). Combining different methods can enhance the effectiveness of weight loss. However, it is always recommended to consult a doctor or specialist to create a suitable weight loss plan.

Who should use BeautyMeal?

  • People who want to lose weight but cannot diet or exercise
  • People who want a convenient, quick weight loss method
  • People looking for a safe weight loss aid recommended by doctors
  • People who want to change their snacking habits
  • People who are trying to reduce body measurements and want a complementary method
  • People doing serious intermittent fasting and want to stay full longer
  • People who have tried many weight loss methods without success
  • People who want to try new, effective weight loss methods

Why choose BeautyMeal over other weight loss pens?

Many readers might have seen the BeautyMeal weight loss pen online, through reviews or clinic ads. However, there are many weight loss pen programs available, sold by hospitals, beauty clinics, or even individuals without proper medical evaluation and planning.
I strongly advise against buying from non-standard sellers. If you receive any medication from unauthorized sources, it can be very dangerous. If the dosage and frequency are incorrect and the seller lacks expertise, it can increase the risk of serious harm, even death.

What’s in a BeautyMeal set?

Losing weight with the BeautyMeal pen doesn't just mean buying the pen and using it until it runs out. Each step needs to be carefully evaluated and planned by a doctor before prescribing BeautyMeal, under the same standards as any medication that must be prescribed by a doctor. You will receive a set of tools to help you use BeautyMeal conveniently and make your weight loss journey easier.
กล่องอุปกรณ์ในเซต BeautyMeal
Each set includes:
  • BeautyMeal weight loss pen
    The number of pens prescribed by the doctor, stored with frozen gel packs in a cool bag to maintain the proper temperature for the medication.
  • BeautyMeal user manual
  • Injection plan and diary For tracking usage, weight, and measurements.
  • Replacement needles
    For each BeautyMeal pen, you will receive 2 boxes of replacement needles, with 7 needles per box, totaling 14 replacement needles.
  • Alcohol pads
    For sterilizing the injection area.
  • Digital scale and measuring tape
    For measuring weight and body measurements and recording changes.
Before and after reviews of BeautyMeal users
How to ensure your BeautyMeal is authentic
In summary, ordering directly through MEGA CLINIC ensures that you will receive genuine BeautyMeal weight loss pens that are certified by both the Thai FDA and the US FDA. After being evaluated by a doctor, the entire BeautyMeal set will be delivered to your home with a temperature-controlled shipping service, or you can pick it up at any MEGA CLINIC branch. If you have any questions during use, you can contact the admin staff every day from 6 AM to 2 AM.

Interested in BeautyMeal?

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If you're interested in BeautyMeal, the first step is to get a free consultation with the clinic's admin staff. They will evaluate your initial usage based on personal information like your current weight and measurements, calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) to see if you're overweight or underweight, and consider your age, drug allergy history, and medical conditions along with your weight loss goals. This will help predict the achievable weight and measurement results when using BeautyMeal correctly and consistently as per the doctor's recommendations.

BeautyMeal promotions

โปรโมชั่น BeautyMeal
BeautyMeal by MEGA CLINIC helps control hunger, reduces food cravings between meals, and adjusts eating habits in the long term. It enhances metabolism so that the body uses stored excess fat from various organs, leading to effective and safe weight loss according to the body's natural processes.
Every MEGA CLINIC branch has a team of specialized doctors ready to provide weight loss and slimming advice. They focus on evaluating health information, desired goals, and eating behaviors to ensure that the use of BeautyMeal weight loss pen is appropriate and delivers satisfactory results.
Get an initial consultation on using BeautyMeal with MEGA CLINIC admin staff via LINE Official: @megaclinic (with @) or add LINE using the green button below. It's free of charge.