Neuramis Filler 5,990.-/cc. Please add LINE
ฉีดฟิลเลอร์ แก้หน้าโทรม

5 Things That Happen After Getting Fillers: Instant Results for a Youthful Look

What happens after getting filler injections? To understand this, we need to know that fillers work by adding volume to areas that have lost it, such as sunken or hollow spots on the face. This loss often happens due to bone shrinkage, sagging skin, and a decrease in fat and collagen under the skin, especially as people age. This results in a tired and older appearance.
Filler injections are a great solution for making the face look younger and more vibrant again. This procedure provides immediate visible changes without the need for recovery time, unlike surgical procedures.

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What are fillers?

Hyaluronic Acid: Same as in your body

Filler is a Hyaluronic Acid (HA) used to enhance and restore volume in targeted areas. It is naturally biodegradable and safely breaks down within the body’s natural processes. Filler treatments are approved by the Ministry of Public Health.
Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is found in the body in skin tissues. It binds with collagen protein and holds water in cells, keeping the skin hydrated and firm. When HA meets water, it expands into a gel.
Dermatologists use HA injections to fill deep lines on the face, making it look fuller and more youthful. The water-holding ability of HA fillers helps make the face look younger and more radiant.

What happens after getting fillers?

5 สิ่งที่จะเกิดขึ้นหลังฉีดฟิลเลอร์

1. Your face looks noticeably younger

Fillers help fix deep wrinkles from aging skin, making lines on the face, like smile lines, under-eye hollows, and marionette lines by the mouth, look smoother and fuller naturally.

2. Tired face problems improve

Fillers can also fix tired faces from dark under-eyes, flat cheeks, sunken temples, and hollow cheeks. After injection, these areas look fuller and more balanced, giving the face more dimension and shape.

3. Skin condition improves

Fillers injected into the top skin layer help make the skin there more hydrated and healthier because of HA's water-holding ability. There are now special fillers made just for improving skin.

4. Feel more confident about your face

Worries about a tired, aged face, and a short, round face will disappear when you see the results of fillers, which last for months to years. You can feel more confident during this time.

5. Slow down signs of aging

Fillers help stop signs of aging, improve skin quality, and make the face firmer. They are safe and don't stay in the body if you get them from a skilled doctor at a trustworthy clinic.

Want a youthful look? Fix tired appearance

Where can you inject fillers? How many cc’s needed?

Under-eye filler

The main problems under the eyes that make the face look tired are dark circles from enlarged veins and deep hollows from skull structure, genetics, aging, and lifestyle.
Injecting fillers to fill these hollows makes the under-eye area look smoother. Fillers also hydrate and brighten the skin there, making the face look less tired and younger.
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Temple filler

Having very sunken temples can make the face look uneven, with high cheekbones and a gaunt look, which some people don't like. You can choose to inject fillers in the temples to fix this.
After injecting fillers in the temples with the right amount, you will immediately see a more balanced face, a more oval shape, and a softer look by making the cheekbones less prominent.
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Sunken cheek filler

ความกังวลตรงเนื้อแก้มจริง ๆ แล้วจะขึ้นอยู่กับความชอบส่วนตัวเป็นหลัก บางคนชอบให้มีแก้มยุ้ยเพราะทำให้ใบหน้าดูน่ารัก บางคนไม่ชอบแก้มเยอะ อยากให้หน้าเรียวหน่อย ก็เลือกฉีดแฟตเพื่อสลายเอาไขมันที่แก้มออก ทั้งหมดนี้ไม่มีถูกผิด
Having sunken cheeks is the same. If someone likes a sharp, defined look, they might not worry. But for those who see sunken cheeks as a problem because it makes the face look uneven, fillers can add volume to the cheeks for a more balanced and pleasing look.
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Cheek filler

One area we often overlook that makes the face look tired is the front cheeks. As we age, fat and collagen in the skin decrease, and bones shrink. This flattens the front cheeks, reducing facial dimension and causing sagging that creates deeper smile lines or nasolabial folds.
Injecting fillers in the front cheeks, or apple cheeks, lifts the sagging cheek, adds volume, and creates a more dimensional and vibrant look. It's a recommended way to make the face look younger and less tired, often done with under-eye fillers for better results.
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Smile line filler (Nasolabial fold filler)

Skin sagging from decreased fat and collagen also creates deep lines beside the mouth, called smile lines. Smile lines when smiling are normal, but if they appear when the face is at rest, it can make the face look older, harsher, and less friendly.
After injecting fillers here, the smile lines look fuller, making the face look younger and friendlier, boosting confidence in daily life.
อย่างไรก็ตาม ยังมีริ้วรอยลึกบางประเภทที่เกิดจากการขยับกล้ามเนื้อบนใบหน้าซ้ำ ๆ บ่อย ๆ เช่น รอยตีนกา รอยหน้าผากยับ และรอยย่นระหว่างคิ้ว ที่แพทย์จะประเมินฉีดโบท็อกริ้วรอยให้แทนค่ะ
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Marionette line filler

The deep lines below the mouth corners, called marionette lines, resemble the lines on a puppet's hinged jaw. These lines are common in older people or those with significant facial sagging.
การฉีดฟิลเลอร์เพื่อยกผิวตรงจุดที่เป็นร่องลึกให้ตื้นขึ้น แนวเส้นดูจางลง นับเป็นวิธีแก้ปัญหาที่เห็นผลเลยทันที ทั้งนี้ยังมีการทำหัตถการประเภทเครื่องยกกระชับ Ultraformer III อีกหนึ่งตัวช่วยที่เน้นดูแลผิวหย่อนคล้อยและกระตุ้นการสร้างคอลลาเจนใต้ชั้นผิวโดยเฉพาะ
When our facial skin is firm and full, deep lines like smile lines and marionette lines are less likely to form.
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Lip filler

Fillers can also shape and plump the lips for beauty in various styles, depending on personal preference. They can fix deep lip lines, dry lips, uneven lip shape, flat lips, and downturned lip corners.
The doctor will assess the amount of filler needed based on the lip shape and specific lip issues. Lip fillers are popular because they change lip shape without surgery, no scars, and no downtime after the injection.
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Chin filler

Chin fillers work the same way as temple and sunken cheek fillers, adding volume to make the chin longer and proportional to the face.
การฉีดฟิลเลอร์คางเหมาะกับผู้ที่มีเนื้อคางน้อย คางสั้น คางตัด คางบุ๋ม คางถอย มีใบหน้ากลมแป้นหรือหน้าเหลี่ยมไม่เป็นรูปไข่ มักฉีดควบคู่กับโบท็อกลดกรามหรือแฟตสลายไขมันเพื่อให้รูปหน้าที่เรียวสวยยิ่งขึ้น
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Enhance your face with fillers in multiple areas

ฟิลเลอร์ ฉีดตำแหน่งไหนได้บ้าง
From our experience with thousands of cases, most people don’t have just one facial problem. This is especially true for working people aged 25-30 and up, who start to show signs of aging on their face, such as sagging skin, deep wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, and dull skin.
So, we need to use fillers in several areas to keep looking good and complete for as long as possible. If you are unsure where or how to improve your face, it’s best to get a detailed evaluation from a doctor at the clinic before deciding.

Different types and brands of fillers: How to choose?

MEGA CLINIC offers 3 brands of fillers: Neuramis, Restylane, and Juvederm. Let’s get to know each brand a little better.

Neuramis Filler

Neuramis is a popular filler from South Korea, known for its quality and reasonable price. After injection, the results last about 8-12 months. How long it lasts depends on the area injected and each person's body.
ฟิลเลอร์ Neuramis รุ่น Deep Lidocaine

Neuramis Deep Lidocaine

ฟิลเลอร์ Neuramis รุ่น Volume Lidocaine

Neuramis Volume Lidocaine

Restylane Filler

Restylane is a top filler brand from Sweden, famous for its production technology and recognized by doctors worldwide. After injection, the results last about 8-12 months. How long it lasts depends on the area injected and each person's body.
ฟิลเลอร์ Restylane รุ่น Vital Light Lidocane

Restylane Vital Light Lidocaine

ฟิลเลอร์ Restylane รุ่น Lyft Lidocaine

Restylane Lyft Lidocaine

ฟิลเลอร์ Restylane รุ่น Classic

Restylane Classic

ฟิลเลอร์ Restylane รุ่น Defyne

Restylane Defyne

ฟิลเลอร์ Restylane รุ่น Kysse

Restylane Kysse

ฟิลเลอร์ Restylane รุ่น Refyne

Restylane Refyne

ฟิลเลอร์ Restylane รุ่น Volyme

Restylane Volyme

Juvederm Filler

Juvederm is a leading filler brand from the USA, known for its unique production technology that focuses on natural results. After injection, the results last about 8-12 months. How long it lasts depends on the area injected and each person's body.
ฟิลเลอร์ Juvederm รุ่น Voluma

Juvederm Voluma

ฟิลเลอร์ Juvederm รุ่น Volbella

Juvederm Volbella

ฟิลเลอร์ Juvederm รุ่น Volift

Juvederm Volift

ฟิลเลอร์ Juvederm รุ่น Volite

Juvederm Volite

ฟิลเลอร์ Juvederm รุ่น Volux

Juvederm Volux

ฟิลเลอร์ Juvederm รุ่น UltraPlusXC

Juvederm UltraPlusXC

Each type of filler is designed to suit different skin types and facial structures. It’s important to consult with a doctor to understand the procedure and find the best way to improve your face.

What to look for when choosing a filler clinic?

A trustworthy and standardized clinic

There are many clinics offering filler injections. How do you know which one is safe and reliable? Here are some tips for choosing a good clinic:
  • The clinic must have a doctor performing the procedure.
    You can check the doctor's license.
  • The clinic should be trustworthy,
    guarantee genuine products, and provide a certificate from the distributor. You can scan to verify the filler before injection and take the filler box home.
  • The clinic should offer aftercare advice
    and follow-up appointments to ensure good results.
ฉีดฟิลเลอร์ ที่เมกะคลินิกดีอย่างไร

Clinics that verify genuine products for every case

At MEGA CLINIC, we are happy to let you scan and check the authenticity of fillers before every injection. Our medical assistants are available to give detailed advice. If you want to know the basics first, here’s how you can check the fillers:

How to check if Neuramis filler is genuine

วิธีเช็คฟิลเลอร์ Neuramis แท้
MEGA CLINIC buys Neuramis fillers directly from MEDYCELES (Thailand) Co., Ltd., the only official distributor in Thailand.

How to check if Restylane filler is genuine

วิธีเช็คฟิลเลอร์ Restylane แท้
MEGA CLINIC buys Restylane fillers directly from GALDERMA (Thailand) Co., Ltd., the only official distributor in Thailand.

How to check if Juvederm filler is genuine

เช็คฟิลเลอร์ Juvederm แท้
MEGA CLINIC buys Juvederm fillers directly from ALLERGAN (Thailand) Co., Ltd., the only official distributor in Thailand.

Beware of fake fillers! Choose the right clinic

Fake fillers: What are they?

As mentioned earlier, Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a type of filler approved by the Ministry of Public Health. However, there are other types of fillers used for injections that have not met safety standards. Even worse, some clinics fail to inform clients beforehand about these products. Therefore, it’s always important to double-check and ensure the safety and legitimacy of the materials being used.
The most dangerous types of fake fillers to watch out for are:
  • ซิลิโคนเหลว (Biosynthetic Polymers)
  • Hyaluronic Acid หรือ HA ที่เป็นยาปลอม หรือยาหิ้ว
    ไม่มีแหล่งที่มาของการสั่งซื้อที่ชัดเจน และถูกนำมาขายในราคาที่ต่ำจนผิดปกติ

Dangers of using fake fillers


Interested in fillers at MEGA CLINIC?

Preparation and aftercare for filler injections

You can live normally before getting filler injections. For women, make sure you are not pregnant or breastfeeding.
If you're worried about bruising after the injection, avoid taking painkillers, aspirin, NSAIDs, and supplements containing vitamin E, vitamin K, fish oil, and Evening Primrose for at least 2 weeks. Also, avoid alcohol for 24 hours before the injection to prevent slow healing of bruises.
Here are some common side effects after filler injections that are normal and not concerning:
  • Pain and tightness at the injection site You can take painkillers to relieve the discomfort, which should gradually subside in 2-4 weeks.
  • Hardness when touching the injection area This is normal as the filler is setting and will blend with the skin within 4 weeks. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, and avoid pressing, massaging, or squeezing the area for 1 month.
  • Fear of being near heat, worried that the filler will dissolve quickly Everyday heat from things like barbecues, hot pots, hair dryers, and warm showers does not cause the filler to dissolve quickly. However, avoid laser treatments, saunas, and steam baths for 1 week.

Filler injection prices

Filler injection promotions by brand

โปรโมชั่นฟิลเลอร์ แต่ละรุ่น

Korean filler injection promotions with other procedures

*All promotions end on December 31, 2025. Screenshot and ask to claim your deal. Click here!

Assess your face before deciding on fillers

เมกะคลินิกทั้ง 5 สาขา สยามสแควร์ ฟิวเจอร์รังสิต เซ็นทรัลลาดพร้าว เซ็นทรัลเวสต์เกต และปากน้ำ มีทีมแพทย์ผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านการปรับรูปหน้าด้วยฟิลเลอร์ โบท็อก แฟตสลายไขมัน เครื่องยกกระชับ และวิตามินบำรุงผิวประสบการณ์สูง ดูแลมาแล้วไม่ต่ำกว่า 200,000 เคส พร้อมให้คำปรึกษาแก่ผู้ที่สนใจฉีดฟิลเลอร์ปรับหน้าเด็ก แก้หน้าโทรม

Q&A filler – Answering all your questions

Q: How many days will the filler be swollen? When will I see the results?
A: You will see changes right after getting the filler, but there may be some minor swelling from the needle. The swelling will slowly go away in 7-14 days. After 4 weeks, the filler will fully blend with your skin and look more natural.
Q: How long does it take to get fillers?
A: It takes about 20-30 minutes to get fillers, depending on the area. If you want to use numbing cream, you should add another 30-45 minutes to the time.
Q: Can I get fillers often?
A: You can get fillers as often as you need without any danger, especially in areas that move a lot, like the lips or smile lines. If the filler starts to dissolve and you want it to look full like before, you can get it topped up again.
Q: Which filler brand is the best?
A: Each filler brand has its own strengths, and it depends on your skin type and what you need. At MEGA CLINIC, we offer many filler brands, including Neuramis, Restylane, Juvederm, and Belotero Revive, which is great for improving skin texture. If you’re not sure which brand is right for you, you can consult with our doctor to help choose the best one before the injection.
Q: Are fillers dangerous?
A: Fillers are not dangerous if they are real, genuine fillers. Genuine fillers are made of hyaluronic acid (HA), which naturally exists in the body and breaks down over time. It’s important to only get fillers from a certified clinic and a doctor with experience.
Q: What does an allergic reaction to fillers look like?
A: Genuine fillers are safe for the body, so allergic reactions to them are very rare. Usually, allergic reactions only happen with fake fillers. That’s why it’s important to choose high-quality fillers from a trusted clinic to avoid this issue.
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  • Aesthetic clinic, MEGA CLINIC, Siam Square.
  • Aesthetic clinic, MEGA CLINIC, Nonthaburi
  • Aesthetic clinic, MEGA CLINIC, Lad Prao
  • Aesthetic clinic, MEGA CLINIC, Pathum Thani
  • Aesthetic clinic, MEGA CLINIC, Pak Nam (Srinagarindra)
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