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Everything You Need to Know About AuraWhite: Does It Really Reduce Dark Spots and Brighten Your Skin?

Lately, the facial injection procedure, particularly AuraWhite injection, has been getting a lot of attention online. At MEGA CLINIC, our medical team uses it to reduce dark spots, treat acne marks, and enhance facial radiance.
Many people are curious and looking for details about AuraWhite injections. This article gathers information on how the medication works, how long the results last, what to expect after the injection, and important things to consider before getting it, along with special promotions, for us to review before making a decision.

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Treating acne, dark spots, and acne scars with AuraWhite injections

What is AuraWhite? How does it work?

Transamine, also known as Tranexamic Acid, is a vital ingredient in AuraWhite. It works by decreasing and preventing the production of melanin granules on the skin. This helps with problems like dark spots, blemishes, and acne scars. It's crucial to use this medication in the right amounts and always under the care of skilled medical professionals.

How is it injected? How soon can you see results?

The components of an AuraWhite injection include Normal Saline 0.9% mixed with Transamine. The doctor applies the medication evenly across the face and targets areas with more marks. During each session, AuraWhite can be injected with 2 syringes, with each syringe containing 1 cc of the medication.

Possible injection sites for AuraWhite

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Apart from the face, AuraWhite can also be used to inject and reduce acne scars and dark spots in other areas of the body. For example, it can be applied to the back where acne scars commonly occur, to scars from insect bites on the arms or legs, and even to darkened areas around the armpits.

Does AuraWhite injection hurt?

Skin procedures involving injections into the deep layers of the skin, whether it's AuraWhite, MADE Collagen, Rejuran, or Chanel injections, may cause a slight stinging sensation during the procedure. This is because the deep skin layer contains numerous nerve endings. Those concerned about discomfort can request topical anesthesia beforehand at no extra cost. However, most find relief simply by applying a cold gel before the injection.
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When to start seeing the result?

Transamine in AuraWhite only treats acne scars, dark spots, dark patches, and dark circles caused by melanin production on the skin. It does not include red marks caused by blood circulation to repair and regenerate tissue cells in inflamed areas of the skin.
After the first few injections of AuraWhite, you will begin to see a reduction in acne scars and dark spots. The effectiveness depends on the intensity and quantity of the marks on the skin. Once the marks have faded, they are unlikely to darken again.
I recommend the dosage and frequency of AuraWhite injections for optimal results, customized to each person's skin condition, as follows:
  • Common marks, not too dark Should inject continuously at least 5-10 times.
  • Fairly numerous and dark marks Should inject continuously about 15-20 times.
Each AuraWhite injection session can be scheduled every 5-7 days. If there are ongoing acne breakouts on the face or body, the doctor will continue administering the medication, but areas with inflammation should be avoided to prevent worsening acne discomfort.
However, AuraWhite is not a direct acne treatment procedure. In many cases may start with acne treatment until it clears completely before proceeding with AuraWhite injections. This approach helps both reduce existing marks and prevent new acne scars from forming effectively.

What to expect after continuous AuraWhite injections

AuraWhite's ability to inhibit melanin production not only reduces dark spots and treats acne scars but also lightens the skin complexion. To achieve effective results, weekly injections are necessary on a continuous basis.
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AuraWhite injections paired with other skin procedures

Skin treatment duo: AuraWhite & MADE Collagen injections

One of the standout formulas for achieving clear, hydrated, and healthy-looking skin that many people opt for is a combination of AuraWhite and MADE Collagen , exclusive formulas of MEGA CLINIC.
While these two treatments may have different effects, the results they produce help promote overall skin health. Acne scars and dark spots fade, and issues like dryness and makeup clumping decrease. Just like the reviews in the video clip below.

Preparing for AuraWhite injections: What should you know beforehand?

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Who should get AuraWhite injections?

  • Those who want to reduce dark spots and treat acne scars on both the face and body
  • Those who have dull, darkened skin and dark spots and need to achieve clear skin urgently
  • Those who are seeking additional skincare assistance to achieve quicker results for clearer skin

Who shouldn’t get AuraWhite injections?

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid injection procedures for now.
  • Those with red marks from skin inflammation AuraWhite won't directly solve this issue.
  • Those with melasma or freckles, which are deep-seated dark spots AuraWhite won't directly solve this issue.

Additional symptoms that may occur after AuraWhite injections

  • Raised bumps after injection This is a normal reaction when the medication is injected just under the skin. The bumps will go away on their own within 3-6 hours.
  • Needle bruises These may occur and will gradually fade within 7-14 days. You can cover the bruises with foundation or concealer.
Another benefit of AuraWhite injections is that they brighten the skin without thinning it, unlike some laser treatments or certain skincare products. However, it's important to apply enough sunscreen every time you go outside to prevent your skin from darkening and becoming damaged again.

Interested in AuraWhite injections at MEGA CLINIC?

Aura White injection promotion

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*All promotions end on December 31, 2025. Screenshot and ask to claim your deal. Click here!
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Say goodbye to acne scars, dark spots, and dull skin with regular Aura White injections. At Mega Clinic, we specialize in facial contouring and skincare treatments, backed by a team of expert doctors. With over 300,000 cases handled in the past 6 years, you can trust us to bring out the best in your skin.
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  • Aesthetic clinic, MEGA CLINIC, Siam Square.
  • Aesthetic clinic, MEGA CLINIC, Nonthaburi
  • Aesthetic clinic, MEGA CLINIC, Lad Prao
  • Aesthetic clinic, MEGA CLINIC, Pathum Thani
  • Aesthetic clinic, MEGA CLINIC, Pak Nam (Srinagarindra)
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